fredag 29. desember 2017

29.) TOP 20 børstapere fra ATH. Prosentene hentet 11. Juli 2014.

29.) TOP 20 børstapere fra ATH. Prosentene hentet 11. Juli 2014.
Det er i gamle taperlister man finner enkelte svindelaksjer.
Prosentlisten er utarbeidet fra sluttkursene fredag 11. Juli 2014.
1. Blom BLO -99,9983%
2. Petrolia PDR -99,9947%
3. Goodtech GOD -99,96%
4. Northland Resources NAUR -99,96%
5. IGE/Nickel Mountain Group NMG -99,96%
6. Norwegian Energy Company NOR -99,95%
7. DiaGenic DIAG -99,94%
8. EMS Seven Seas EMS -99,89%
9. Marine Harvest MHG -99,89%
10. Eitzen Chemical ECHEM -99,83%
11. Sevan Marine SEVAN -99,72%
12. Scana Industrier SCI -99,67%
13. SeaBird Exploration SBX -99,64%
14. Nio NIO -99,47%
15. Oceanteam Shipping OTS -99,38%
16. Repant REPANT -99,08%
17. Renewable Energy Corporation REC -98,91%
18. InterOil Exploration and Production IOX -97,79%
19. Eltek ELT -97,77%
20. Norske Skogindustrier NSG -97,45%
 Oslo Stock Exchange has about 190 listed companies. Friday the 11 July 2014 the main index OSEBX was -3% under All Time High. But 41 companies shares were down more than -90% from ATH. That is more than a staggering 20% of all listed shares - totally crushed...
- And probably the worst "performance" in Western Europe.
In addition a suspiciously high number of share price crushed shares have left OSE since 2007.
Norway is not a nation of useless ideeas, useless companies and useless leaders.
Norway is a nation where the organized economic fraud is SO well carried out by Labour Party's and DNB bank's Fraud Triangle DNM - Oslo Stock Exchange - NTM, that nobody understands what is really going on...

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52.) TOC / Innholdsfortegnelse

  . 52.) TOC / Innholdsfortegnelse . Denne bloggen gjelder det moralske og seksuelle forfallet blant No...